Last night I returned from a 5-day stint in the field. During that time we completed two jobs and I made a few lists:
Things I've seen people do:1. Drink warm whole milk topped with melted butter.
2. Eat spoonfuls of jam plain.
3. Sleep 12 hours in one 24 hour day.
4. Sleep 0 hours in one 24 hour day.
5. Eat Ramen noodle soup with hefty spoonfuls of mayonaise.
What I like most about working in the field:1. It's like I'm always camping. All the wellsites here are located in or near forests.
2. The world is my toilet. See previous point.
3. The stars at night are big and bright. And you can see the Milky Way. And shooting stars.
4. It is possible to sleep 12 hours in one day (if the job is going smoothly, and you are not in charge, and the workers on the rig trip in pipe slowly).
5. The camp kitchens are much tastier than the base cafeteria.
6. The cold. I really do like winter for some reason.
What I like least about working in the field.1. No soap. It's like I'm always camping.
2. When the world ceases to be my toilet, a dirty old outhouse becomes my toilet.
3. No internet (to look up constellations, keep in touch, blog, etc).
4. It is possible to sleep 0 hours in a day (if the job has problems, or if your are in charge, or it just takes that long).
5. The camp kitchens do not have hours that work with an odd sleep/work schedule.
6. Catching a cold. Sleeping in one room with the first person who caught the cold does not improve your odds.

All in all, I really like working in the field. A lot. And I am getting over my cold (can one overdose on vitamin C? I think not). I am leaving for another job in a few hours.