Sunday, November 01, 2009

Partay in Tyumen

While training during the day, my classmates and I have been having lots of fun in the evenings in Tyumen.

We went to a fancy schmancy restaurant called The Golden Turtle:

Afterward, I was in the mood for karaoke, so we walked a few blocks only to discover that the karaoke place had a $10 entrance fee which was steep for myself and many of my classmates (especially as we only had a half hour before the bus) so we walked to the lovers' bridge and I snapped a few photos:

You can't really tell, but the rails on the side of the bridge are covered with locks. Apparently every city has a spot where lovers come, lock a lock and throw away the key, thus sealing their love. Here they typically through the key into the river below.

We don't just have fun. We do train some; it's just mainly during the day:

But we also party. This was at a place called Giraffe:

Apparently Elena was a little tired or got caught during a blink.

I had no idea bowling was so popular in Russia, but apparently it happens in almost every city. There are two bowling alleys in Noyabrsk, and that's a town of only 100,000. I thought of ordering a White Russian, but ended up sticking with the Sprite.

I also spent an evening with these folks:

The Palmers are LDS missionaries from Utah living in Tyumen. They are spending two years struggling to learn Russian and help the people here. I also went to a church Halloween party with them which turned out to be pretty fun. A lady who had worked for about 15 years for the circus did some magic tricks.

After the party, I met up with many of my coworkers to continue the Halloween festivities. I was out until 1:30 with them, but when they headed for a dance club, I cut out. Not that I'm chicken or anything, just that I'm the world's most awkward dancer. I did get a good shot of a local Orthodox church while we were walking around though:

Happy November everyone.


Anonymous said...

You party animal Marcus. Jeremy would have bailed on the club as well.

Dave said...

Awesomeness! Love the pictures and fun times!

See Mack Snow said...

Marcus, don't deprive someone of your dancing ever, ever again.

Anonymous said...

The Ruts' blog leads me to you again!
Apparently Russia was the solution to your not wanting to blog dilemma. What a time you're having! But I must know something...have you had a chance to wear your Tobias-inspired jean cutoffs yet? From the photos and your writings I saw several opportunities.

Jinjer said...

Delighted to see what you are up to in Russia! I love the pictures and the great descriptions. We miss you and can't wait to see you in a month and a half.

Susan said...

I missed blue man Tobias this year.

Fred said...

It looks like you're having a good time. That church is cool. I would not have gone "dancing" either.

Connie said...

let's go here when i come visit you via sub for santa plane tickets

Cousin Sarah said...

Marcus I'm so happy you were able to go to Church, you look happy and definitely seem to make the most of your time there. I'm glad I found your blog.

courtney said...

is that a robot behind you and elena at the bowling alley, or were they encasing people in carbonite? what the what!

Marcus said...

Carbonite is the new thing to do in Russia. They will thaw your body the instant communism comes back into style.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Grrr. Git some followers, girly-whirly. Think summore (you're in a trance): You - Must - Blog - Summore. HeeHee God Blessa Youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL