Friday, January 09, 2009

Sound of Silence

Every once in I while I just crave silence. Absolute deafening silence like that experienced on a cold windless winter night in the forest just after a snowfall. The kind of silence that makes you realize that for the past however many years not a minute has gone by without you hearing some constant noise whether it be the soft rushing of air coming from your office ventilation, the low hum of traffic from a distant main street, the drip of a leaky faucet or the distant buzz of life in the great outdoors. I'm talking about the fresh solace of quietude bestowed only occasionally on those few who seek it out. That's what I crave now.


Unknown said...

I'll try to write this as quietly as possible. Your description of silence was silent music to my ears. I crave it. I also hear that you may be heading off to a place that will provide you with that perfect sound of silence you so intimately described. I hope you find it. But I also hope you make some noise over there, too! Oops, I got a little loud there.

Aaron said...

I tried to leave a comment that was just a single tap of the spacebar--you know, like literary silence. Unfortunately, google equates that totally meaningful comment as a blank. Just know that after the period at the end of this sentence, there is a space, representing silence.

Unknown said...

If wonder if Marcus will hear the words when he reads these comments.

Aaron, your spacebar is deafening. Nice try.